( Uilke Post)
The Netherlands
In july 1954 Uko saw daylight for the very first time in the little Dutch town Meppel.
In his last primary school class he became more interested in drawing , because there was a project to complete for the national holiday.This project was organized in all the primary schools in Meppel. His drawing was chosen to hang in the local newspaper window. He was very proud.....and so it began.
In the year 1969 Uko went with his father to the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam to visit the exhibition Rembrandt 1696-1969. ( he still owns the cataloque as a souvenir ).
In 1970 Uko went to the Dali exhibition in Rotterdam and that was a real shock for him in a positive way.
He was so impressed by the paintings of Rembrandt and Dali that he decided to become an artist painter.
After high school he attended the academy of fine-arts Minerva in Groningen, from 1972 untill 1978 . A master college of free painting and free graphic arts. Here Uko decided to become a realistic artist painter after studying many styles during the first few years.
His academy-professors were Geert Meyer, Ger Siks, Diederik Kraaijpoel, Wout Muller, Piet Pijn, Jouke Wouda, Wim van Veen and Henk Hester and ofcourse many others.
His mentor in the graduate year was Geert Meijer , he was the one who teached him the skills for making realistic artwork.
Uko now lives and works as a painter already many years ( since 1993 ) in the quiet region of the Eifel on the border of Belgium and Germany. Regulary he has exibitions in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
His painting style ( artwork ) is realism with a melancholic, mystical strain, bordered on the Magical Realism of the nineteen thirties, fourties, untill today.
Painters that Uko adores from this period are for example Pyke Koch, Wim Schuhmacher, Raoul Hynkes, Dick Ket and Carel Willink and more....
He also enjoys looking at the realistic paintings of the Flemish Primitifs, painted by Jan van Eick ( brothers van Eick ), Hans Memling, Dirk Bouts and Hugo van der Goes und so on....but Uko loves many forms of art .
The reason he paints the way he does, is because Uko´s inner feelings are reflected and portray a deeper feeling to life. In fact it has much to do with fragility of life and the vanitas thought: Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas ( bible book of Ecclesiastes verse 1:1-18/9:1-18 )
That is also why Uko doesn`t try to create nice pictures in the common sense, but rather the story of the fragility of living on this earth.
This emotion is in a certain way mysterious to him and motivates Uko to paint these topics. He wants to transform these feelings into paintings that everybody recognizes in its beauty....
He can be counted among the Northern Realists.


Red beetle

On a wall in Schönecken Germany


Portrait UP/ Uilke
Poet Yehuda Amichai
From the place where we are right
flowers will never grow
in the spring.
The place where we are right
is hard and trampled
like a yard.
But doubts and loves
dig up the world
like a mole, a plow.
And a whisper will be heard in the place
where the ruined
house once stood.

The Amazon Vampire------Camille Monfort

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